Shiny Knitwear was incepted in 1997 at Tirupur, Tamil Nadu. Our company is certified by the Government of India and various other reputed boards in India. We believe in Integrating Design with Technology steered by the vision, energy, and acumen of our business fore-runners.
Shiny is a name synonymous with success and accomplishment. From a modest growth at the time of inception to the current business volume of producing 4 lakh garments/month. In the past 2 decade we have come a long way.
This journey is a complete testimony to the clarity of vision and the quantum of energy that propels our business. Our success is the result of our commitment to trust, product quality, on time delivery and our care for environment. The various departments starting from spinning to garmenting are coordinated in such a way that optimum efficiency is obtained. We excel at manufacturing Knitted garments and versatile fabrics used in it. We have more than thirty-five years of experience in printing and have best in class printing machines.
Our core priorities
- Provide best in class quality
- We stick to the deadlines and export the products on time
- Keep our work flow transparent and easy to understand.
- To always have an edge on innovation and technology to produce superior quality products.
- Shorter lead time
- To produce and process orders of any quality
- Flexibility to our customers
- Least impact on environment reducing water consumption, pollutant effluents, power, and chemicals.
- Provide support and welfare for our employees.